Web of Science ResearcherID
Web of Science ResearcherID represents the Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) citation database service, which is available on Publons. It is used for the unique identification of researchers, who are enabled to independently create and edit their profile (personal data, affiliation, etc.), as well as to monitor their publications, citations (h-index), and activities as reviewers and journal editors. Each researcher is assigned a unique alphanumeric code. This service enables the download of scientific publications from Web of Science, ORCID, bibliographic formats (RIS, BibTex, or CSV file), via DOI number, title, etc.
ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID
The ORCID service, developed by a non-profit organization, is a universal system for identifying researchers. ORCID is part of a larger digital infrastructure that allows researchers to share information and connect transparently, using unique identifiers. Through the ORCID service, researchers independently create a profile containing information such as personal data, affiliation, list of publications, etc. Each researcher is assigned a unique number of 16 characters. This service enables connecting and downloading data from numerous other databases, including Scopus.
ORCID registration website: https://orcid.org/signin
Instructions for creating a profile: Instructions
Scopus Author ID
Scopus Author ID is a service of the Scopus citation database. This service enables the display of the activities of researchers, who are enabled to create a profile. The researcher’s profile contains information such as personal data, affiliation, a list of publications indexed in the Scopus database, as well as citations (h-index). Each researcher is assigned a unique numerical code. This service enables connecting and transferring publications to the researcher’s ORCID profile.
Scopus Author ID registration website: https://www.scopus.com/
Instructions for creating a profile: Instructions
Google Scholar profile
The Google Scholar profile is a service of the internet search engine Google. Researchers are enabled to create a profile that includes information such as personal data, affiliation, as well as a list of publications indexed in the Google Scholar database and citations.
Google Scholar profile registration website: https://scholar.google.com/
Instructions for creating a profile: Instructions