Centre for Lifelong Learning

Centre for Lifelong Learning

The University of East Sarajevo organizes and implements lifelong learning programs in accordance with its mission.

The important component of the lifelong learning system is adult education. The UNESCO General Conference defined the concept of adult education in the 1976 in a way that includes a set of all organized educational processes, content, levels and methods, regardless of whether a person continues his education, develops his abilities and expands knowledge or improves his technical or professional skills and qualifications.

The University of East Sarajevo offers professional development programs, through educational modules, that are aligned with the needs of the labour market.

Target group:

– professional development programs – required level of education minimum completed I cycle of studies (180 ECTS).

Announcements for the Lifelong Learning Programs are published on the UIS website and in one of the daily printing media.

Registration documents can be submitted in person at the UIS Rector’s Office or sent by post mail:


The Office of the Vice-Rector for Education
Centre for Lifelong Learning
30 Vuka Karadžića St.
71126 Lukavica, East Sarajevo, B&H
