An interactive lecture held at the University Center in Bijeljina on the topic “Contemporary University Teaching” was attended by more than 200 students and professors from the University of East Sarajevo. The lecturer was prof. Dr. Branka Kovacevic from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of East Sarajevo.
Similar lectures will be held in Lukavica, Pale and Trebinje in the following days, with the goal of introducing as many teachers and associates as possible with methods and trends in teaching at higher education institutions.
The attendees were addressed by the Acting Rector of the University of East Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Stevo Pasalic and Acting Vice-Rector for Science, Research and Development Professor Sinisa Berjan.
Lectures held on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 were intended primarily for young researchers (docents, assistant teachers, assistants, students of the II and III cycles), but also for all other interested professors and students.