International Scientific Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Professionals "THE ROLE OF LAND RECLAMATION AND WAT...
The implementation of the third cycle of lifelong learning courses under the CULTURWB project (Capacity Building for Cha...
To build the capacities of future leaders (researchers, students, practitioners and scholars) we have announced a 10-day...
The University of East Sarajevo, for the third time, announces a call for enrollment in lifelong learning courses in the...
Info day of the Erasmus + project CULTURWB was held at the premises of the Rectorate of the University of East Sarajevo...
The University of East Sarajevo is pleased to invite interested parties to attend the CULTURWB info day, which will be h...
Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu objavljuje Konkurs za izbor u nastavnička i saradnička zvanja na sljedećim organizac...
Organizaciona jedinica: Medicinski fakultet Foča Organizaciona jedinica: Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo Org...
The Rector of the University of Valahia from Targoviste - Romania, Prof. Dr. Calin Oros, paid a visit to the University...
In the period November 26-30, a workshop for Erasmus + STINT project (Strengthening of Internationalization in B&H H...