Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion.
The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also:
– supports the European Pillar of Social Rights
– implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
– develops the European dimension in sport

Eligible ERASMUS+ Participants

EU Member States take part in the Erasmus+ Programme, also third countries associated to the programme. Third countries associated to the programme are: Republic of Serbia, North Macedonia, Republic of Turkey, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.
Some activities, especially in the field of higher education, vocational education and training and youth, are also open to participants from third countries, not joined to the program. This category includes Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans, Region 1).

Objectives of ERASMUS+ Programme

Structure of the Erasmus+ Programme
In order to achieve its objectives, the Erasmus+ Programme foresees the implementation of the following Actions in the 2021-2027 period:

Key Action 1 – Mobility of Individuals

This Key Action supports: Mobility of learners and staff, youth participation activities, DiscoverEU activities, offers language learning opportunities to participants carrying out a mobility activity abroad, virtual exchanges in higher education and youth.

Key Action 2 – Cooperation among organizations and institutions

This Key Action supports: partnerships for cooperation, partnerships for excellence, partnerships for innovation, capacity building projects, not-for-profit sport events.

Key action 3 – Support to policy development and cooperation

The European Youth Together action, (targeting both youth organizations at grass root level and larger organizations), supporting partnerships across borders. Activities under this action should contribute to widening the outreach towards young people to ensure a diversity of voices, and reach a diverse range of young people within and beyond youth organizations, including youth with fewer opportunities.

Jean Monnet Actions

The Jean Monnet Actions will support: Jean Monnet action in the field of higher education, and in other fields of education and training, Jean Monnet policy debate – Jean Monnet networks in higher education, support to designated institutions

More about programme:
Programme guide:
Open calls:

2024. godina

Project title: Development of Research&Development strategies and centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina- (RDBIH)
Coordionator: University of Novi Sad
The head of UES: Jelena Krunić, PhD
Member: Rectorate and Faculty of Medicine
Project website:
Duration: 2024.-2027.
Project code: 101177753

Project title: Supporting development of TransCultural Competence for healthcare professionals in the Western Balkans (TCCWB)
Coordionator: Odisee, University of Applied Sciences
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine
Project website:
Duration: 2024.-2027.
Project code: 101128620

2023. year

Project title: New energy competence system and technology for WB energy stability system curriculum reform- (NEST4WB)
Coordionator: Academy of Vocational Studies Kosovska Mitrovica
The head of UES: Slobodan Lubura, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2023.-2026.
Project code: 101129321

Project title: Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education – (DERHE)
Coordionator: University of Ljubljana
The head of UES: Danijel Mijić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2023.-2026.
Project code: 101128628

Project title: Harvesting (digital) Alternation in Ways that Knock-down Inaccessibility of New Generations- (HAWKING)
Coordionator: University of Montenegro
The head of UES: Jelena Krunić, PhD
Member: Rectorate
Project website:
Duration: 2023.-2026.
Project code: 101128741

Project title: Pedagogical Inclusive Education and Training System to UpSkills Cross-Sector Practitioners Working with Minors and Emerging Adults in Correctional Systems- (PICTURES)
Coordionator: Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Rumunija
The head of UES: Goran Marković, PhD
Member: Pravni fakultet
Project website:
Duration: 2023.-2026.
Project code:

2022. godina

Project title: Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions- (COWEB)
Coordionator: TURGUT OZAL EDUCATION SHA (Američka privredna komora u Albaniji)
The head of UES: Srđan Lalić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Business and Economics
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 101083013

Project title: Strengthening capasitis and digital kompetences in biomedical education through internationalization ad home- (BIOSINT)
Coordionator: University of Kragujevac
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 101082863

Project title: Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs- (DGTRANS)
Coordionator: University of Kosovska Mitrovica
The head of UES: Slobodan Lubura, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 101082187

Project title: Partnership for Promotion and Popularization of Electrical Mobility through Transformation and Modernization of WB HEIs Study Programs- (PELMOB)
Coordionator: University of Kosovska Mitrovica
The head of UES: Srđan Lale, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 101082860

Coordionator: University of East Sarajevo
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 101082790

Project title: Innovation Centres for the development of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to facilitate the development of sustainable smart solutions in the Western Balkans-(SMART)
Coordionator: Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor
The head of UES: Nenad Marković, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine
Project website:
Duration: 2022.-2025.
Project code: 10182938

2020. year
Project title: Development of part-time and short cycle studies in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PARTISH)
Coordionator: University of Novi Sad
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine, Rectorate, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Business and Economics
Project website:
Duration: 2020.-2023.
Project code: 617421-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Project title: Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL)
Coordionator: University of Pristina based in Kosovska Mitrovica
The head of UES: Jelena Krunić, PhD
Member: Rectorate, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Philosophy
Project website:
Duration: 2020.-2023.
Project code: 618534-EPP-1-2020-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Sustainable University – Enterprise Cooperation for Improving Graduate Employability (SUCCESS)
Coordionator: International Burch University
The head of UES: Slobodan Lubura, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2020.-2023.
Project code: 618975-EPP-1-2020-1-BA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Knowledge Triangle for a Low Carbon Economny (KALCEA)
Coordionator: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The head of UES: Srđan Lale, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2020.-2023.
Project code: 618109-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

2019. year
Project title: Development of Master Curricula in Ecological Monitoring and Aquatic Bioassessment for Western Balkan HEIs (ECOBIAS)
Coordionator: University of Novi Sad
The head of UES: Ljubica Vasiljević, PhD
Member: Faculty of Technology Zvornik
Project website:
Duration: 2019.-2022.
Project code: 609967-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Strengthening Capacities for the Implementation of Dual Education in BiH Higher Education (DualSCI)
Coordionator: University of Novi Sad
The head of UES: Srđan Lalić, PhD
Member: Rectorate, Faculty of Economics Brčko and Faculty of Medicine Foča
Project website:
Duration: 2019.-2022.
Project code: 610251-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

2017. year
Project title: Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education (ELEMEND)
Coordionator: Ethniko kai kapodistriako panepisthmio athinon
The head of UES: Slobodan Lubura, PhD
Member: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2017. – 2020.
Project code: 585681-EEP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

2016. year
Project title: Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education (STINT)
Coordionator: KU Leuven
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Rectorate
Project website:
Duration: 2016.-2019.
Project code: 561874-EEP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Project title: Assisting Better Communication (ABC)
Coordionator: Ilia State University
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Faculty of Medicine Foča
Project website:–access-to-better-communication
Duration: 2016.-2019.
Project code: 573610-EPP-l-2016-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Strengthening Capacities for Tourism Changes in WB – Building Competences for Quality Management of Heritage and Cultural Tourism (CULTURWB)
Coordionator: University of Novi Sad
The head of UES: Branislav Mašić, PhD
Member: Rektorat
Project website:
Duration: 2016.-2020.
Project code: 574193-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA 2-CBHE-JP

Project title: REady for BUSiness, Integrating and validating practical entrepreneurship skills in engineering and ICT studies (REBUS)
Coordionator: University of Sarajevo
The head of UES: Goran Orašanin, PhD
Member: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Project website:
Duration: 2016.-2019.
Project code: 573664-EPP-1-2016-BA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region (Re@WBC)
Coordionator: University of Niš
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Rectorate
Project website:
Duration: 2016.-2019.
Project code: 561586-EPP-1-2015-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Qualifications Framework as Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum (QFP)
Coordionator: University of Limerick
The head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Member: Rectorate
Project website:
Duration: 2016.-2019.
Project code: 574009-EPP-1-2016-1-IE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

2015. year
Project title: School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia&Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)
Coordionator: University of Macedonia (UOM)
The head of UES: Biljana Sladoje Bošnjak, PhD
Member: Faculty of Philosophy Pale
Project website:
Duration: 2015.- 2019.
Project code: 561847-EPP-1-2015-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project title: Boosting Adult System Education in Agriculture (AGRI BASE)
Coordionator: National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility of Republic of Macedonia
The head of UES: Vico Grujica, PhD
Member: Faculty of Agriculture
Project website:
Duration: 2015.-2018.