Other international projects

Other international projects

2022. godina
Project name: Circular economy skills enhancement network- (CRESCENTO)
Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano
Head of UES: Slobodan Lubura, PhD
Organizational unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Duration: 2.1.2023.- 30.9.2023.
Project website:
Project code: Adriatic lonian ADRION

Fund: World Health Organization
Project name: A national study of seroprevalence of  Covid -19 in the population of the Republika Srpska
Coordinator: World Health Organization
Head of UES: Dejan Bokonjić, PhD
Organizational unit: Faculty of Medicine Foča
Project website:
Duration: 2019-2022.

Fund: INTERREG Mediterranean
Project name: REINWASTE REmanufacture the food supply chain by testing INNovative solutions for zero inorganic WASTE
Coordinator: Andalusia Agency For Agriculture and Fisheries Development
Head of MIS: Dragan Vujadinović, PhD
Organizational unit: Faculty of Technology Zvornik
Project website: https://reinwaste.interreg-med.eu/
Duration: 2018-2020.

Fund: World Health Organization
Project title: Provide two-day continuing medical education (CME) training courses in cardio-vascular risk assessment and management / CVRAM / based on the agreed curriculum, for 200 family medicine teams / FTMs / 570 family medicine doctors and nurses
Coordinator: World Health Organization
Head of MIS: Maja Racic, PhD
Organizational unit: Faculty of Medicine Foča
Project website:
Duration: 2016-2018.

Fund: Norwegian government
Project title: Quality Improvement of Master Programs in Sustainable Energy and Environment (QIMSEE)
Coordinator: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Head of MIS: Ranko Antunović, PhD
Organizational unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, East Sarajevo
Project website:
Duration: 2014-2017.