Employees and researches at the University of East Sarajevo have access to following databases by EBSCO services: Academic Search Ultimate, and eBook Subscription Academic Collection.
Academic Search Ultimate provides access to about 15.366 different full text journals, and 3.078 journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. eBook Subscription Academic Collections provides a large number of multidisciplinary e-books titles.
Access to EBSCO databases is provided within faculties/academies of the University, but also outside the University premises. For all information related to the EBSCO access please contact the library staff at your faculty/academy.
The Academic Search Ultimate is available until 31.12.2025.
The eBook Academic Collection is available until 28.02.2026.
Employees at the University of East Sarajevo have access on following databases by the Research4Life: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
Research4Life provides access to over 111.255 books, about 28.920 journals, and 129 other sources from the fields of health, agriculture, environment, and applied, social, and human sciences.
Access to Research4Life databases is provided within faculties/academies of the University, but also outside the University premises. For all information related to the EBSCO access please contact the library staff at your faculty/academy.
The Research4Life is available until 31.12.2025.
Access links:
Research4Life : https://www.research4life.org/
Hinari: http://extranet.who.int/hinari/en/journals.php
AGORA: http://agora-journals.fao.org/content/en/journals.php
OARE: http://oare.research4life.org/content/en/journals.php
ARDI: http://ardi.wipo.int/content/en/journals.php
GOALI : http://goali.ilo.org/content/en/journals.php
Zaposleni na Univerzitetu u Istočnom Sarajevu imaju pristup HeinOnline bazi podataka, koja nudi više od 204 miliona stranica multidisciplinarnih časopisa, bitnih vladinih dokumenata, međunarodnih resursa i sudske prakse. HeinOnlina baza omogućuje uvid u pune tekstove članaka objavlјenih u više od 3.100 najznačajnijih časopisa iz cijelog svijeta, iz različitih oblasti poput prava, ekonomije, političkih nauka, istorije, obrazovanja ali i medicine i tehnologije.
Pristup HeinOnline bazi https://heinonline.org/HOL/Welcome omogućen je samo u prostorijama članica Univerziteta, putem IP adrese. Za sve informacije vezane za pristup obratite se zaposlenima u biblioteci članice Univerziteta.
The HeinOnline is available until 31.01.2026.