The publishing activity of the University of East Sarajevo and its faculties and academies aims to contribute to teaching, scientific, artistic and professional work. Scientific journals published in Republic of Srpska are categorized by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and the Information Society of Republic of Srpska. Categorization is performed in accordance with the Rulebook on Scientific Publications (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, No. 77/17), which prescribes the types of scientific publications, conditions that publications must meet in order to be considered scientific, categorization of scientific journals, as well as criteria, the method of scoring and the procedure for selecting scientific publications for co-financing. Scientific journals are categorized into three categories (the first, second and third) once a year.
A review of scientific journals published by members of the University of East Sarajevo
1. Rang-lista kategorisanih časopisa u Republici Srpskoj (decembar 2024.)
– Ranking list of categorized journals in Republic of Srpska (decembеr 2023.)
– Ranking list of categorized journals in Republic of Srpska (November 2022.)
– Ranking list of categorized journals in Republic of Srpska (October 2020.)
– Ranking list of categorized journals in Republic of Srpska (November 2019)
2. Rules on publishing scientific publications
3. Documentation required for journal categorization
Scientific journals of the first category
Scientific journals of the second category
Scientific journals of the third category
Scientific journals